Ten Takeaways from “Between Compliance and Best Practice: Human Rights Risk Assessment and Management” Discussion

June 23, 2023
1 minutes

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Ropes & Gray and Wallbrook recently held a roundtable discussion in New York, “Between Compliance and Best Practice: Human Rights Risk Assessment and Management.” Human rights risk and compliance is an increasing area of focus for both corporates and asset managers and both Ropes & Gray and Wallbrook have leading advisory practices in this subject area.

At the roundtable, Ropes & Gray provided an overview of adopted, pending and proposed corporate human rights legislation. The Wallbrook team provided practical advice on conducting a human rights risk assessment, with case studies involving various geographies and industries. In this Article, we highlight ten takeaways from the session.

About Our Practice

Ropes & Gray has a leading ESG, CSR and business and human rights compliance practice. We offer clients a comprehensive approach in these subject areas through a global team with members in the United States, Europe and Asia. In addition, senior members of the practice have advised on these matters for more than 30 years, enabling us to provide a long-term perspective that few firms can match.

For further information on the practice, click here.