New CSRD Reporting Guidance – EFRAG Publishes Largest Update of European Sustainability Reporting Standards Technical Explanations

December 7, 2024
4 minutes

On Friday, EFRAG updated its compilation of European Sustainability Reporting Standards technical explanations. The current Compilation of Explanations includes 64 new technical explanations, bringing the total to 157.

The current Compilation of Explanations is available here. This is by far the largest single update. The second largest update, in May, included 44 new explanations.

The Compilation of Explanations reflects the technical explanations posted to EFRAG’s Q&A Platform. EFRAG began publishing the periodically updated Compilation earlier in the year. The Compilation is non-authoritative guidance on the ESRS. It has been developed for use by large listed and unlisted reporting companies. 

For the uninitiated, EFRAG (the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) is the technical adviser to the European Commission that developed the draft ESRS, and more recently the draft NESRS for non-EU companies (discussed in this post). EFRAG’s mission is to serve the European public interest in both financial and sustainability reporting by developing and promoting European views in the field of corporate reporting.

What’s new?

Appendix I to the Compilation includes a table indicating when an explanation was released, making it easier to identify new content.

Given how fact-specific and granular the technical explanations are, we do not summarize them in this post. However, we have included at the end of the post the Appendix I description for each new technical explanation.

The next update?

EFRAG expects to release the next major update of the Compilation of Explanations in Spring 2025.

Other resources for CSRD compliance

Ropes & Gray has a leading practice helping U.S.-based multinationals prepare for compliance with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. 

We have included in this recent post links to selected Ropes & Gray CSRD compliance resources.

List of new EFRAG technical explanations

The questions are identified by a sequential identification number that they received when submitted to the Q&A Platform.

ID 177 - Mapping of sustainability matters to topical disclosures 

ID 271 – Difference between work-related accident and work-related injury

ID 283 - Is waste incineration a disposal operation?

ID 339 - Use of secondary data, social protection

ID 389 – Annual total remuneration ratio and types of workers

ID 400 – Recycled waste

ID 408 – Categorisation of waste streams

ID 430 - Definition of gender

ID 434 - Difference non-employees, value chain workers

ID 438 - Treatment of non-material datapoints

ID 453 – Social protection; parental leave

ID 455 – Contextual information and consolidated data for water consumption

ID 456 - Policies on water treatment

ID 472 - Major incidents and deposits

ID 473 - Restrictions due to national regulations

ID 526 and ID 1021 – Disclosure of a non-material datapoint (water-consumption in own operations) related to a (a) material and (b) non-material topic

ID 531 - Base year

ID 549 - Gender pay gap; collective wage arrangements

ID 550 - Disclosure of discrimination / harassment cases found inconclusive

ID 619 – Air emissions in ESRS E2 versus ESRS E1

ID 644 - Limits of fossil fuel sector

ID 648 - Substances of (very high) concern - including entity-specific disclosures

ID 653 - Microplastics - tires wear

ID 676 – Water metrics in the value chain

ID 689 – Gender Pay Gap; Gender

ID 690 – Gender Pay Gap; Pay Transparency Directive

ID 713 and ID 928 – Microplastics – definition and REACH update

ID 730 – Type of employee, social protection

ID 734 - Disclosure of progress in meeting climate-related targets

ID 753 - Financial materiality in the value chain and power purchase agreements

ID 776 – Pollutants emissions – granularity

ID 800 - Corruption and Bribery

ID 815 – Substances of concern – in articles

ID 831 - Contractual instruments

ID 832 – Pollutants emissions – changes over time

ID 873 - Transport of removed GHGs

ID 882 – Data availability for biogenic emissions in Scope 3

ID 893 - Conversion factor fossil fuels

ID 905 - Manufacture of chemicals / pesticides and other agrochemical products

ID 923 - Phase-in entity specific disclosure

ID 935 - Financial effects - current vs anticipated

ID 952 – Metrics - rounding and decimals; materiality of information

ID 953 – Mandatory disclosures of material metrics on Biodiversity

ID 968 – Ecolabel

ID 1013 – Potential discrepancy in variable remuneration between ESRS 2 and ESRS E1

ID 1019 – Sustainability matter expected to become material in the future

ID 1025 – Direct drivers of biodiversity loss – definition

ID 1026 – Definition of end-users

ID 1039 – Time horizon - only long-term material

ID 1047 – Conditions for incorporation by reference and content index

ID 1048 – Disclosure of datapoint(s) related to a non-material Disclosure Requirement for a metric

ID 1054 - Short-term, length of the period

ID 1056 – MDR-Actions and resources allocated

ID 1060 – Pollution - affected communities consultations

ID 1072 - DR GOV-1 - ESG expertise of governance bodies

ID 1090 – Length of transitional provisions for early adopters

ID 1115 – Disclosing the number and area of sites near or in biodiversity-sensitive areas

ID 1126 – Heating values and geographical location of undertaking

ID 1136 - Targets without policy

ID 1144 - Phase-in 750 employees: Calculation of average

ID 1172 – Disclosure of the area of sites in or near biodiversity-sensitive area

ID 1297 – Level of disaggregation

About our practice

Ropes & Gray has a leading ESG, CSR and business and human rights compliance practice. We offer clients a comprehensive approach in these subject areas through a global team with members in the United States, Europe and Asia. Senior members of the practice have advised on these matters for more than 30 years, enabling us to provide a long-term perspective and depth and breadth of experience that few firms can match. For further information on the practice, click here.

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