Health Care Facilities in Distress, Part II: Navigating Labor and Bankruptcy Issues

June 8, 2004
Stephen B. Perlman
Stephen A. Warnke


8:00 - 8:30    Registration/Continental Breakfast 

8:30 - 9:20    Presentation: Reducing Costs in Unionized Hospitals Experiencing Financial Distress (Stephen Perlman)

  • Potential Mid-Contract Steps ("Interim" Freezes and Benefit Plan Design Changes)
  • Potential Steps During Collective Bargaining (Freezes, Deferrals, Changes to Benefits)
  • Major Actions: Subcontracting, Layoffs and Accelerating Retirement

9:20 - 9:30    Break

9:30 - 10:30    Presentation: Bankruptcy Fundamentals and Special Considerations for Health Care Facilities(Stuart Hirshfield and Marc Hirschfield)

  • Out-of-Court Restructuring vs. Bankruptcy
  • Automatic StayDIP Financing and Use and Sale of Property
  • Special Considerations for Health Care Entities

Ropes & Gray is authorized to award 2 hours of pre-approved Category II (non-ACHE) continuing education credit for this program toward advancement, or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives.

CLE credit is provided.

Ropes & Gray Speakers

Stephen B. Perlman
Stephen B. Perlman
Retired Partner
Stephen A. Warnke
Stephen A. Warnke
Retired Partner