IP Master Class: Patent Disputes Litigated in Multiple Countries

November 8, 2005
Eric C. Woglom

Globalization of the world's economy is resulting in the globalization of patent litigation.  No longer are disputes confined to one country.  Instead, litigants often find themselves in a tangle of patent lawsuits in multiple countries.  These disputes can entail 24/7 coordination and fighting under subtly and radically different legal regimes with different substantive laws and different procedures.  Victories, losses, evidence, and discovery in one country rapidly impact the lawsuits in the other countries.  In today's presentation, an American patent trial lawyer and a British patent solicitor offer their views on how to help clients survive and prosper in this growing age of global patent disputes.

Ropes & Gray Speakers

Eric C. Woglom
Eric C. Woglom
Retired Partner