IP Master Class: New Year, New Congress: Patent Reform Takes Center Stage

January 16, 2007
Thomas M. Susman
Will your patent portfolio be significantly less valuable by the end of 2007? Will threats from patent trolls be significantly reduced by 2008? There is an old saying that no one is safe when Congress is in session. After several years of mounting pressure for patent reform, substantive reforms in the patent laws may be enacted in 2007. Certainly, there will be significant legislative activity in 2007. Any new patent legislation will reflect an effort to reconcile the very different objectives of pro-reform industries (technology, software, financial services) and anti-reform (big Pharma, individual inventors, patent licensing and enforcement companies and sometimes research universities). Attend our January 9, 2007 IP Master Class and learn how this legislation might impact your business.

Ropes & Gray Speakers

Thomas M. Susman
Thomas M. Susman
Retired Partner