Asia Morning Briefing Series: Developments in U.S. Criminal Antitrust Enforcement—Recent Cartel Cases and Advice for Avoiding Liability/米国反トラスト刑事取締における最新動向:最近のカルテル事件及び 反トラスト法違反回避策

April 25, 2012
A number of high-profile investigations by the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have resulted in major Asian companies paying criminal fines of hundreds of millions of dollars and have also ensnared Asia-based executives who have agreed to plead guilty and serve prison time for up to two years in the United States for violating the U.S. antitrust laws.  These cases reflect the DOJ’s continued prioritization of international cartel investigations, a trend that has only intensified in recent years as cooperation among global regulators has increased.  Please join our panelists for this Morning Briefing on recent developments in U.S. criminal antitrust enforcement against international cartels, including a discussion of how to avoid antitrust liability.