Ropes & Gray is a 2012 Bay Area chapter sponsor of the Association of Corporate Counsel. Silicon Valley office-based partners Mark Rowland and Gabrielle Higgins presented at these upcoming luncheon CLE seminars. Topics discussed included:
- Update on Mobile Patent Wars and Strategic Considerations
- FRAND Issues in the US and Overseas
- Recent ITC developments
- Recent patent buying sprees
- How mobile patent wars are extending to other industries
Mark Rowland, Managing Partner, Silicon Valley office
Mark Rowland is the managing partner of Ropes & Gray’s Silicon Valley office and works with companies to add value to their technology investments by providing creative solutions to intellectual property disputes that include litigation, arbitration, and patent reexamination proceedings. Named one of California’s Top Intellectual Property Lawyers for 2012, he strives to understand the technology and business goals of clients, to solve their IP problems efficiently and reliably, and to deliver repeat success, as he has done over many years with chipmaker Linear Technology Corporation and semiconductor equipment manufacturer Varian. He applies his 25+ years of legal and engineering experience to technical fields including electronics, software, and medical devices.
Daniel Keese, Associate, Silicon Valley office
Dan Keese joined Ropes & Gray in 2011 as an associate practicing in the Litigation Department’s Intellectual Property Litigation Group. He has worked on litigations involving various technologies including semiconductors, computer hardware and software. While he was a summer associate with the firm Dan analyzed the invalidity portion of a case against a non-practicing entity. The case settled early in a favorable manner partially based upon the invalidity theories the team came up with. Prior to joining the firm Dan was an intern at an intellectual property boutique firm, where he conducted pre-litigation research and analysis, drafted patent claims and managed USPTO filings.
Douglas Luftman, Vice President and Chief Patent Counsel of CBS Interactive, Inc.
Mr. Luftman's areas of focus include strategic patent counseling, patent portfolio development, patent enforcement and licensing strategy, patent asset acquisitions, standards development strategy, patent and technology licensing, open source software management strategy and leveraging information technology systems to maximize the effectiveness of delivering legal and business services. Prior to joining CBS Interactive, Mr. Luftman's roles have included Chief Intellectual Property Counsel at Palm, Inc., Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Caspian Networks, Inc., West Coast Counsel of CIENA Corporation and Senior Intellectual Property Group Counsel for Intel Corporation's Communications
Ropes & Gray Speakers

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