Intellectual property transactions partner Ed Black (Boston) will moderate the “Assessing Value” panel at World Trademark Review’s inaugural Managing the Trademark Asset Lifecycle conference to be held at the Convene Times Square in New York on Oct. 29. Ropes & Gray is a gold sponsor of the conference.
The panel, including speakers Jennifer Chung, Time Inc. Assistant General Counsel, Patrick Flaherty, Verizon Assistant General Counsel and Mark Zyla, Acuitas Inc. Managing Director, will address: brand valuation methodologies; valuation techniques; and the analysis of trademark protection and value linkages.
Other panels at the one-day conference will address the creation and maximization of value in trademark assets, efficiencies in trademark and brand creation, tax and financial planning, collateralization of a brand, franchising models and trends and the licensing of brand assets.
Registration information for World Trademark Review’s Managing the Trademark Asset Lifecycle conference is available here.
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