Investment Management Attorneys to Speak at the Boston Bar Association

October 3, 2018
Capital Insights.

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has embarked on a wide-ranging and aggressive rulemaking agenda for the asset management industry.  At the same time, the Treasury Department has issued reports that recommend actions by the SEC, CFTC and FSOC relating to how the asset management industry should be regulated.  And there’s an outside chance that the current Congress may consider legislation that would affect investment companies and investment advisers. 

On Oct. 3, Ropes & Gray investment management partner George Raine, investment management counsel David Tittsworth and, Fidelity Investments’ Senior Legal Counsel and Ropes & Gray alumni Brad Moyer will lead an interactive discussion about the current and foreseeable Washington, DC agenda for asset management firms at the Boston Bar Association. The discussion is titled “The Asset Management Agenda in Washington – If you Expected a Boring Year, Think Again . . .”.

Full details of the event can be accessed here.