Ropes & Gray to Represent PEM Entities LLC before U.S. Supreme Court

In The News
June 28, 2017

On June 27, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal brought by Ropes & Gray of the Fourth Circuit’s decision in PEM Entities LLC v. Eric M. Levin & Howard Shareff. The Supreme Court’s decision in the case will have significant implications for business owners making debt investments, including extending rescue loans or purchasing the distressed third-party debt of their companies, as a way to keep them out of bankruptcy. Ropes & Gray issued a full client alert outlining the issues at stake in the case, available here.

The team representing PEM Entities LLC includes appellate & Supreme Court partner Douglas Hallward-Driemeier and business restructuring partners Jim Wilton, Ross Martin and Gregg Galardi.