Securities & Public Companies Co-Chair Quoted in Law360 on Tips for Avoiding IPO Pitfalls

In The News
June 1, 2017
Patrick O'Brien

Securities & public companies partner Patrick O’Brien (Boston) is quoted in a May 26 Law360 article which provides tips on how companies can avoid a bumpy first quarter after going public.

Mr. O’Brien notes that public companies seeking to maintain credibility with analysts and investors must remain consistent with respect to the metrics by which the market measures them, especially during the first four to eight quarters following the IPO.

He suggests that companies time an IPO strategically, going public at a time that they expect an important sales milestone or significant development, which can create positive momentum in the first few quarters following the IPO.

“Between the banks and the companies, they will try to pick a time when the business is moving in the right direction,” Mr. O’Brien said, “where there are some near-term milestones or inflection points that create a path forward in terms of news flow coming out of the gate.”


Patrick  O'Brien
Patrick O'Brien
Retired Partner