Investment management partner Paulita Pike was quoted in an Oct. 9 article published by BoardIQ titled “Vendors Still Weak Link in Cyber-Security Programs” that examines how vendors continue to be a weak spot in directors’ efforts to strengthen cybersecurity oversight. In terms of reporting, the board can ask the adviser to rank third parties in terms of such considerations as their importance to operations and compliance and the sensitivity and volume of the data they hold, Ms. Pike states in the piece. Such failures may catch directors’ attention “at a gut level, because directors don’t have the expertise,” Ms. Pike says.
A separate feature in BoardIQ’ s Special Issue [on] Boards, Cyber Threats and Tech Advances discusses how best practices for cybersecurity oversight have been hard to come by as fund directors race to keep pace with new technologies and regulations, and how they should approach the topic. The piece includes additional comments from Ms. Pike’s delivered on a Ropes & Gray webinar on cybersecurity and board reporting. Tailoring the reports to show the board what it wants to know is an ideal approach, Ms. Pike stated on the webinar. For that reason, it’s useful for directors to tell the adviser what their expectations for the reports are and that they should be cohesive even if multiple people contribute to them.
In addition to Ms. Pike, the Ropes & Gray webinar featured insights from investment management partner Elizabeth Reza, who also discussed other aspects of cyber-security reports and included an example of a quarterly cyber-security report.

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