2019 was another record year for the private equity secondaries market, reports Secondaries Investor in a Jan. 21 video. As 2020 gets underway, what can we expect to see this year across all regions and deal types? At the end of 2019 Secondaries Investor canvassed views from leading market participants, featuring asset management partner Isabel Dische. Isabel’s insights can be viewed at 4:25 of the video.
An article published by The Wall Street Journal Pro Private Equity titled “Secondary Buyers Get Pickier as Deal Bonanza Continues” examined how secondary buyers will be more selective in the deals they pursue in 2020. Remarks from Isabel are included in the piece, outlining how with the increasing popularity of single-asset deals, secondary buyers are teaming up. “For some of the larger deals you’ve seen consortia of three or four lead buyers actively working together,” said Isabel.

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