“The private equity secondaries market is sizzling like a New York City sidewalk in the summer thanks to the emergence of continuation vehicles,” writes Law360 in a piece titled “Keeping Up With The Evolving PE Secondaries Market.”
The Aug. 30 article discusses the growing popularity of secondaries funds and evolution of continuation vehicles, featuring extensive insights from Ropes & Gray asset management partners Isabel Dische and Katie Waite.
"The universe of funds that are looking at these deals, and how they are using these deals, has changed dramatically," says Isabel, who co-leads Ropes & Gray’s institutional investors team.
"There's definitely activity around the globe right now, even though historically, secondaries have been the most developed in North America and Europe," Katie said. "There's a lot of activity happening now in Asia, for example.”
Ropes & Gray was the number one legal adviser by secondaries deal count and volume in 2020 among 15 law firms according to Secondaries Investor, counseling nine of the top 15 secondary buyers and sovereign wealth funds across the globe.
The piece also notes that Ropes & Gray advised on several of the summer’s notable continuation funds.
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