In keeping with its longstanding commitment to community service, and as part of the worldwide movement of #GivingTuesday, Ropes & Gray offices across the U.S. organized local food drives to support their communities. From San Francisco to Boston, team members collected and delivered hundreds of pounds of essential, non-perishable food items to neighborhood food banks that are particularly crucial this time of year.
Created in 2012 as a simple concept—a day dedicated to encourage people to do good—GivingTuesday is now an independent nonprofit organization and global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity year-round. The organization has seen a significant increase in donations since its inception, growing from $177 million in online donations in 2016 to $2.47 billion in 2020.
“Juxtaposed amidst the hardships of the global pandemic and resulting economic turmoil of the past two years, we have witnessed extraordinary volunteer efforts on behalf of those most greatly affected, especially the homeless and the hungry,” said managing partner David Djaha. “Inspired by the GivingTuesday movement, Ropes & Gray is honored to join so many other distinguished organizations and individuals who are dedicated to doing good in our respective communities.”
Since the start of the pandemic, non-profit organizations have seen a 60 percent increase in demand for food, and current supply chain issues are significantly exacerbating the situation. Currently, one in six Americans struggle with food insecurity, including 13 million children.
To learn more about Giving Tuesday, click here.Stay Up To Date with Ropes & Gray
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