Josh Lichtenstein Comments on Ongoing ESG Regulation in POLITICO

In The News
July 28, 2023

In a POLITICO article, Joshua Lichtenstein, a partner in the employment, executive compensation and employee benefits group and head of the firm’s ERISA fiduciary practice, discussed anti-ESG messaging presented at congressional oversight committee hearings with federal regulators during ‘ESG Month.’

“Will any laws change? I think the answer to that is pretty clearly no. But...together with what’s happening in the states, it starts to create a sense that should companies be considering whether to engage in these matters or not, there could be potential backlash or be hauled in front of committees like this.”

“I increasingly think about what’s going on in the House and the states as one movement,” Josh said. “When you look at it from that perspective, what’s happening in the House can help to set priorities for the states. I think there is a feedback loop even if the House doesn’t really have the ability to pass legislation.”