In Bloomberg Law, Ryan Rohlfsen Discusses Data Mining Efforts by the Department of Justice

In The News
December 1, 2023

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) criminal fraud section is increasingly using data mining to investigate foreign bribery matters to jumpstart overseas corruption cases. The practice isn’t meant to merely trigger prosecutions, but rather the DOJ is looking to heighten awareness of the department’s evidence-gathering abilities.

In an article by Bloomberg Law, litigation & enforcement partner Ryan Rohlfsen said that as he’s witnessed DOJ get “far more advanced” in data mining, it has a practical impact for clients.

Companies hear that and start to focus more on “what can we do better” to detect bad actors, Ryan said.

The DOJ’s practice of data mining the information of publicly available Medicare and financial filings to identify outliers was pivotal to unearthing alleged Covid-19 billing schemes and market manipulation convictions.