In LegalTech News, Shannon Capone Kirk Contemplates AI in 2024

In The News
January 9, 2024

In an article for LegalTech News, global head of advanced E-Discovery and A.I. strategy Shannon Capone Kirk predicts “in 2024, we will likely see better nuanced discussions around critical definitional distinctions between machine learning, standard computing software programs, and Generative A.I.”

Shannon noted, “in 2023, we experienced an overgeneralization of the term ‘A.I.,’ which led to impractical proposed rules and court orders. Along with an increase in sophistication around important language, there will also be fast-moving improvements on Generative A.I. for use in litigation, specifically around document review.”

“Currently, pilots reveal that volume capacity is one area for improvement when compared to use of established machine learning tools, but we predict that such improvements will be fast to come to market,” said Shannon.
