In Westlaw Today, Health Care Attorneys Analyze New York State Medicaid Program Waiver Amendment

In The News
February 6, 2024

In a Westlaw Today article, health care attorneys examined the recently approved New York state Medicaid program waiver amendment, which focuses on health equity and includes funding for health-related social needs like food and housing.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved an amendment to New York’s Medicaid 1115 Waiver, allowing the state to make large investments of approximately $7.5 billion in funding over the next three years across a series of Medicaid initiatives that expand access to primary and behavioral health, address health-related social needs to reduce disparities and promote health equity, and strengthen the health care workforce for more than 7.6 million individuals with health coverage under the State Medicaid Program.

The article offers practical guidance on what health care providers, Medicaid managed care organizations and other health care organizations should be considering for the New York state Medicaid program waiver amendment.

The article was authored by health care partners Brett Friedman, Drew Clary and Stephanie Webster and health care counsel David Ault with contribution from Timothy Rozier-Byrd.