Securities & Public Companies Partner Ranked Fifth on Top 100 Conflict Mineral Influence Leaders List

Rankings & Awards
March 25, 2016

Securities & public companies partner Michael Littenberg (New York) has been ranked fifth on Assent Compliance Inc.’s 2016 Top 100 Conflict Mineral Influence Leaders list.

The Top 100 Conflict Minerals Influence Leaders list is independently researched by Lucas Taylor, University of Notre Dame MBA and LDT Consulting, on behalf of Assent Compliance, a compliance solutions and services firm. Using the developed scoring algorithm, participants are added to the list and adjusted based on individual research by LDT Consulting. The list is revised annually to reflect the evolving regulatory landscape.

In the list, Assent Compliance notes that "Michael advises on supply chain compliance (including the SEC's Conflict Minerals Rule), responsible sourcing and corporate social responsibility, and is widely viewed as a leading practitioner in this area."