11th Annual Stanford E-Commerce Best Practices Conference

June 16, 2014

As an affiliate of the Law, Science & Technology Program at Stanford Law School, Ropes & Gray is a proud sponsor of Stanford Law School's 11th Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference. The Conference is the premier educational event for in-house counsel and practitioners in the E-Commerce industry. Leading experts from industry, legal practice and academia will address current issues facing the industry and offer practical solutions for dealing with the many legal uncertainties that arise when doing business online. The program will feature a roundtable of general counsel from leading ecommerce companies. Silicon Valley IP litigation partner Jim Batchelder will be discussing "Patent Best Practices," during the event and San Francisco corporate technology partner Jim DeGraw will be presenting "Mobile and Social Media Marketing and Promotions, Geo-location Privacy and Do-Not-Track."

For event information please click here.