CBS Radio Network Broadcasts Three Digital Health News Stories Featuring Life Sciences Partner

In The News
March 15, 2016

CBS Radio Network broadcasted three Health & Well Being Report news stories quoting life sciences partner and digital health practice co-chair Michael Beauvais (Boston) that aired March 8 -10 on the all-news CBS affiliate radio station WCBS-AM in the New York City metropolitan area. The one-minute news segments were distributed to more than 300 CBS Radio Network stations nationwide.

In a story titled “Hacking Into Your IV,” Mr. Beauvais describes a recent video posted on YouTube where an individual was able to hack into an intravenous morphine drip, highlighting the challenges that interoperable medical devices present from both a security and regulatory standpoint.

Mr. Beauvais explains in the story titled “We Know All About You” that digital health devices transmit daily health data, but the laws can’t keep up with technology advances.

In the third news segment, “How Comfortable Are You,” he addresses digital health convenience and personal comfort levels in sharing health data.

A podcast of Mr. Beauvais’ 12-minute Health & Well Being Report interview was included on the website.