Intellectual Property Litigator Andrew Thomases Quoted by InsideCounsel on Rise in Patent Lawsuits

In The News
April 25, 2016

On April 21, InsideCounsel quoted intellectual property litigation partner Andrew Thomases (Silicon Valley) on the increase in patent lawsuits, which were up 14.7 percent year-over-year in 2015 and rising in 2016. Mr. Thomases cites several reasons for the jump including more nuisance-value suites brought by non-practicing entities targeting more small and mid-sized companies.

The number of patent lawsuit filings in the Eastern District of Texas alone increased by 78 percent due to such factors as the venue being viewed as friendly to patent holders, its reputation for awarding large damage verdicts and declining to grant summary judgment motions used by defendants to dismiss a case before trial, and the relative speed with which cases proceed to trial. (Subscription required)