Colin Davidson is an associate in the business restructuring group in the firm’s New York office. 

Colin’s practice incorporates all areas of corporate restructuring, bankruptcy, and insolvency-related matters. His practice focuses on both debtor and creditor representations in our of court loan workouts, restructurings, liquidations, and litigations.  


  • Exactech, Inc. — Representing Exactech, Inc. and its affiliated debtors in their chapter 11 cases involving the restructuring of more than $350 million of prepetition debt, as well as additional prepetition liabilities currently pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Exactech’s chapter 11 cases are supported by an $85 million debtor in possession credit facility and a stalking horse bid, which remains subject to higher and better offers, for substantially all of the debtors’ assets.
  • Takeoff Technologies — Represented Takeoff Technologies, Inc. and its subsidiaries in their chapter 11 cases currently pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Takeoff Technologies is a leading provider of eGrocery technology solutions, based out of Massachusetts, with operations worldwide.*
  • Beverly Community Hospital Association — Represented Beverly Community Hospital Association and two of its affiliates in their chapter 11 cases currently pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. Beverly Hospital is a nonprofit, 202 bed general acute care hospital located in Montebello, California.*
  • Alpha Media Holdings LLC — Represented Alpha Media Holdings LLC and 15 of its subsidiaries in their prearranged chapter 11 cases in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. Alpha Media is the largest privately-held radio broadcast and multimedia company in the United States, which owns or operates more than 200 radio stations that provide local news, sports, music, and entertainment to a weekly audience of more than 11 million listeners in 44 communities across the United States. Alpha Media’s prearranged chapter 11 cases were confirmed in just over 60 days and contemplated transactions that eliminated all of the Debtors’ prepetition funded debt obligations and provided the Debtors with more than $120 million of exit financing.*
  • Neiman Marcus Group — Represented the liquidating trustee in the chapter 11 cases of Neiman Marcus Group LTD LLC, in the United State Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas, in the resolution of over 2,800 general unsecured claims in accordance with the Debtors’ chapter 11 plan of reorganization.*

*Prior to joining Ropes & Gray

Areas of Practice