Carolyn Lye is an associate practicing in the firm’s health care group. She provides transactional, regulatory, and compliance advice to a broad range of health care clients, including health care providers, academic medical centers, research institutions, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, health care technology companies, and investors. Since joining the firm, Carolyn has also co-authored several articles focused on regulatory matters within the health care industry, such as interoperability, information blocking, research integrity and security, and digital health.
Carolyn attended Yale Law School as part of the J.D./M.D. dual degree program, graduating concurrently from Yale School of Medicine in 2022. During law school, Carolyn was also the editor-in-chief of the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics. As a student fellow at the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy, Carolyn helped to create the first publicly accessible and regularly updated database tracking legislation on palliative care. As a member of the Reproductive Rights and Justice Project, Carolyn helped to establish Connecticut’s first abortion fund.