Latin America Team to Participate in TRACE Anti-Bribery Workshop in Mexico City

February 27, 2020

Anti-corruption & international risk partners Nicholas Berg and María González Calvet, and counsel Samantha Barrett Badlam will take part in TRACE’s Anti-Bribery Workshop in Mexico City on February 27. María will participate in two panels at the Workshop:

  • Recent FCPA Investigations and Enforcement Actions Involving Conduct in Mexico
  • Key Considerations when Conducting Internal Investigations in Mexico: Attorney-Client Privilege, Access to Data and Acting on Findings 

TRACE hosts anti-bribery training workshops throughout the world featuring local and foreign business people and lawyers familiar with the challenges of international commercial transactions. Ropes & Gray’s integrated global network of attorneys regularly guides Latin America-based and multinational corporations through internal investigations, regulatory inquires, compliance counseling, complex deals, and sensitive cross-border issues.

Ahead of the workshop, the Ropes & Gray team will host a cocktail reception in Mexico City on February 26 for local clients, TRACE in-house delegates, and panelists.