Health Care Partner Quoted in National Law Journal on Guidance for Legal Counsel After Passage of AHCA

In The News
May 8, 2017
Thomas N. Bulleit

Health care partner Tom Bulleit (Washington, D.C.) is quoted in a May 4 National Law Journal article regarding the uncertain fate of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) following its passage in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mr. Bulleit explains that although House Republicans successfully threaded the needle to attract sufficient moderate and conservative votes, in its current form the AHCA has little prospect of success in the Senate. Because the Senate’s version of ‘repeal and replace’ is likely to be vastly different than the AHCA, he notes that stakeholders would be well-advised to stay the course on their current business operations, while continuing to execute on whatever advocacy strategies they and their respective trade and professional associations had already developed for protecting against changes to Obamacare that they perceive as disadvantageous.


Thomas N. Bulleit
Thomas N. Bulleit
Retired Partner