Investment Management Counsel David Tittsworth Discusses the Midterm Election Results in Relation to Asset Management Priorities in Compliance Reporter

In The News
November 13, 2018
Capital Insights.

Investment management counsel David Tittsworth is quoted in a Nov. 13 Compliance Reporter article titled “Retirement Legislation Finds New Momentum After Midterms” that discusses how retirement legislation is poised to pick up steam after the recent midterm elections.

"Retirement savings is definitely an issue that is on the table and I can see a bipartisan group of congressmen wanting to do something about it," said Mr. Tittsworth, adding that Rep. Waters and other Democrats have already expressed a desire to see a stronger fiduciary rule for broker-dealers than the SEC's Regulation Best Interest. However, Mr. Tittsworth continued, “while she and other lawmakers can now make more noise about aspects of the SEC's proposals they don't like, they are fundamentally limited in their ability to alter the course of rulemaking,” adding that “SEC Chair Jay Clayton will still be primarily focused on securing the three-vote majority he needs to finalize rules at the five-member agency.”