Investor Representation

Institutional investors turn to Ropes & Gray for representation that addresses the complexities associated with a wide range of alternative investments and transactions.


A core part of a private fund practice is the representation of a wide range and significant number of institutional investors in connection with their alternative investment activities. Our services to institutional investors include representing them in negotiating the terms of their commitments to hundreds of private investment funds each year, as well as advising them with respect to separately managed account arrangements and coinvestment secondary transactions. We also represent fund advisory boards in their negotiations with fund sponsors.

From an investor perspective, we review almost every significant fund that is brought to market, which enables us to provide cost-efficient and timely services to our clients. As a result, we are intimately familiar with identifying and resolving the special commercial, regulatory and tax concerns of different types of investors, such as corporations, tax-exempt institutions, pension funds, funds of funds, sovereign wealth funds and foundations.

Years of experience in the intricacies of fund documentation enable us to quickly identify significant economic issues that are otherwise difficult to uncover and to craft solutions to complex tax, ERISA and other problems facing a potential investor.

We are intimately familiar with the special tax and structuring issues involved in funds that focus on regions outside the United States, including Canada, Africa, Brazil, China, Europe, Japan, India and Russia.

The types of funds we review include: 

  • Buyout funds 
  • CDOs/CLOs 
  • Credit opportunities funds 
  • Energy funds 
  • Fund of funds 
  • Hedge funds 
  • Infrastructure funds 
  • Loan funds 
  • Mezzanine funds 
  • Natural resources funds 
  • Real estate funds 
  • Royalty funds 
  • Single member funds 
  • Special Situations 
  • Venture capital funds