IP Counsel Exchange on Post-Grant Patent Challenges at the PTAB

February 27, 2014 – February 28, 2014

February 27-28, 2014 

Presented by Momentum Events 
Ropes & Gray LLP is a Founding Sponsor

When the Patent Trial and Appeal Board opened its doors in September 2012, it brought with it fast-tracked administrative proceedings, new efficiency and decreased costs for resolving important IP disputes. The number of filings for covered business method patent reviews and inter partes reexaminations is quickly outpacing industry expectation, elevating litigation at the PTAB from a litigation afterthought or post-grant corrective measure to an important component of corporate patent litigation strategies.

We hope that you will join us for this unique event that will focus on providing behind-the-scenes insights and proven tools for effectively navigating this new forum. Discussion topics will include:

  • Examining the first 18 months of post-grant challenge outcomes and what they mean for practice at the PTAB
  • Understanding the business benefits and legal risks of litigating at the PTAB
  • Strategic insights and litigation tactics for both petitioners and patent holders
  • Perspectives from the PTAB, Federal Circuit and key district court benches on the emerging role of the PTAB

This program will provide CLE credit.

Featured Presenters

  • Honorable James D. Smith, Chief Administrative Judge, PTAB*
  • David T. Cunningham, VP and AGC, Director of IP and Digital Commerce Law, The Hartford
  • Renny Hwang, Senior Litigation Counsel, Google Inc.
  • Rouz Tabaddor, VP and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, CoreLogic
  • Anup Tikku, Senior Director, Associate General Counsel, eBay Inc.
  • James Batchelder, Partner, Ropes & Gray

*Speakers have been invited, but not yet confirmed