Alex Rene Elected to the Coalition for Integrity’s Board of Directors

In The News
March 25, 2024

Ropes & Gray litigation & enforcement partner Alex Rene (Washington, D.C.) has been elected to the Coalition for Integrity’s Board of Directors. Alex is a member of Ropes & Gray’s governing Policy Committee and a former co-head of the firm’s litigation and enforcement practice group. He previously served as the independent FCPA compliance monitor for Embraer and currently serves in that role for Glencore. Prior to entering private practice, Alex served as a prosecutor in the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office, was an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, and a Trial Attorney in the DOJ’s Criminal Division, Fraud Section.

The Coalition for Integrity works with a wide range of individuals and organizations to promote integrity and combat corruption in the public and private sectors. The Coalition focuses on active enforcement of global anti-corruption laws, increased integrity and strengthened anti-corruption practices in the private sector, greater transparency and integrity in American governance, and prevention of corruption in international development and foreign assistance. The Coalition works toward its goals by actively engaging leaders in government, business, labor, academia, and civil society.