CCMP Growth Advisors Acquires Combined Caterers

In The News
December 5, 2024

Ropes & Gray represented CCMP Growth Advisors in the acquisition of Combined Caterers, a premium event management and catering services provider. The transaction was announced on Dec. 3 in a press release. Financial terms were not disclosed.

CCMP Growth is a New York-based, growth-oriented private equity firm focused on making lead buyout and growth equity investments in the Consumer and Industrial sectors.

The team included private equity partner Sam Levitt, tax partner Tristan Evans-Wilent, executive compensation & employee benefits partner Pascal Mayer, employment partner Greg Demers, IP transactions partner Jordan Altman, real estate partner David Kaye, ESG partner Michael Littenberg, regulatory partner Kellie Combs, and finance partner Arek Maczka.