Valuation of Hard-to-Value Securities and Portfolios Conference

March 18, 2010 – March 23, 2010
Partner Jason E. Brown co-presented Portfolio “Valuation and the Regulatory ‘Hot-Button’ Issues” at the Valuation of Hard-to-Value Securities and Portfolios conference held on March 22-23, 2010 in New York City. SEC accountant Azam Riaz joined Jason in making the presentation.

The annual conference, sponsored by Financial Research Associates, focused on ways for funds to mitigate the operational risk associated with the valuation process. Some of the current hot-button issues discussed included investor due diligence, the evaluation of risk across an entire portfolio, ways to recognize red flags and warning signs at an early stage, recent FASB amendments, auditors’ treatment of different valuations, and an in-depth look at the valuation committee and each party’s roles and responsibilities.

Now in its tenth year, the conference attracts senior-level industry professionals, including hedge fund and fund of fund executives, quantitative analysts and research directors, qualified investors, and other investment and compliance personnel.